Work // Case Studies


Clarifying the identity and web presence of a world-class dev shop.

SKYCATCHFIRE is a website and app development studio that partners with agencies, businesses, and startups to bring their ideas to life. They’re a team of expert designers and developers who truly do care about the details. When they say “pixel-perfect development”, they mean it! They’ve been a partner to BLB for many years, and when we have an idea that needs a little extra development support, they’re the first call we make.

Brand Builder
Services Provided

Brand Positioning

Purpose, Vision, & Values

Brand Personality, Voice, & Tone

Brand Anthem & Tagline

Logo Design

Brand System Design

Color & Typography Specifications

Brand Guidelines


Website Design

The Problem

We had been working with SKYCATCHFIRE for quite a while when Ryan, their Founder & CEO, reached out about a new project: their own brand. They were in a bit of a cobbler’s children situation, where they established a general look for themselves 15 years ago when they started the company, and since then have been so busy with client work that they never took a step back to evaluate who they are, what they believe, and how they should present themselves to the world. Their team has grown exponentially over the years so now was the perfect time to work through some strategy work to get everyone aligned.

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Our Solution

We walked through the Brand Basis process with the SKY team so we could get ultra clear on who they are as an organization and start putting in some work on the verbal brand. From there we rolled into building their visual identity. Their old logo was a reference to their name, with a flame being housed inside of a cloud shape - but with the new logo they wanted something with a bit more attitude that hinted at the digital nature of the company. We developed a pixellated flame icon that does exactly that, and expanded it into a full suite of visual assets they can pull from.

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With the verbal and visual identities established, we turned our attention to the SKY website. The old website, again, was a product of necessity back when they launched the company, and had only been updated sporadically over the years. We approached it with fresh eyes and redesigned the whole thing from the ground up to tell an accurate story of who SKY is and incorporate the all-new identity. And the best thing about having a development studio as your client: We were able to hand the design off to them to develop it! Now they’ve got a team who’s aligned and happier than ever, a brand they’re proud of and separates them from their competition, and a website that speaks to their prospects and shows off their true capabilities.

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“The team at BLB is second to none. If you’re looking for a team that cares deeply about your success, you can stop looking. You’ve found Brave Little Beast.”
Ryan Schmidt
Ryan Schmidt